Thursday, February 14, 2013

From "Split: A Memoir of Divorce" Penguin 2008


Renee said...

I'm reading Split and loving it. Was going to break my own memoir of divorce into kubler-Ross's stages of grief. You beat me to it. Great writing Suzanne

Unknown said...

Suzanne, how do you make it so I want to stay on the wretched tug and plummet that is Split? You're taking me to one of the more raw roads to hell, and you somehow make it elegant and messy, necessary to my mind. I have to see the trip to the end, through all the acid edged sparse poetry, all while knowing the greater hurt awaits; when I reach the last word on the last page, and I have to try and say goodbye for the moody truths you've masterfully cobbled together. Not a wasted word, it's stripped down writing. It's alive without the need to apologize. It breathes, and it will stay with me a long time, as only a deeply true story can do.

In limbo,